Saturday, November 17, 2007

A grain of cinnamon

I am at the edge now..

I see the light coming through the window, I see the pale blue sky. Nothing exciting in the clouds, no shapes that make me wonder what they are. Nothing through the window beyond the usual urban skyline. Tops of houses, antennae and chimneys not in use. Not a picture out of a book or a frame out of a movie. It's just..another day from real life. But i am glad. I am no longer in that violent swirl, that whirlpool that sinks me to the bottom. That dark floor of the white ceramic world. Being ground against the walls as I am swirled around in that cyclone, i cried for help. But it was all muffled and subdued in that fluid of doom. All our cries..all our pain - they are all sucked in towards the center.

It was only a while ago that I was rescued. The most violent scene I have witnessed so far. As we moved in a circle near the edge of the world, we watched a huge dark void approaching us. It was a gross and haunting sight indeed...the mass of darkness surrounded by pink - with grooves and folds and creases all over it...till it faded, quite sharply actually, into a dessert of sandy brown..

The artifact appeared to be larger and larger - it was coming close, faster every moment. And then it happened. It touched the edge of our planet and it seemed that it's power was unleashed in an instant.

The darkness was an even powerful vortex than the one on our own planet. It sucked up the liquid at one end...I cannot describe in words how horrific the sight was - my fellow beings on this cruel world were being sucked up along with the liquid. They cried for help at the top of their voices. Everyone was powerless...everyone was being pulled towards the feared maelstrom..Helplessly we stared above watching our friends being taken away in to the dark abyss that had come to overtake our world.

In this chaotic state of confusion (excuse the redundancy..), little did I realize that I was much closer to the upward stream myself than I thought. I felt the sudden thrust as I reached the upward stream..I closed my eyes and prepared for it all to end. And it did.

I felt was strangely cold. Reminded me of the days when I was in my home world - when I was surrounded by just my own and no one else. we had occasional quakes..but soon we all got used to them. I didn't know however, that with each quake we lost so many of our own from our world. That's just how I came to be here in this wet world - so different than my many different beings with me here..

I opened my eyes. And I saw the window. I looked around. I could see the world I was in all this while, just below me. The dark void of doom above, was no longer there. I could breathe with ease. I stood up on the glassy floor under me.

I understood I was at the edge. I tried to jump the other side that we all wondered about for all this while. But I couldn't move anymore..I was paralyzed. I was paralyzed by what I saw. I am not sure how long it had been since I reached that edge and how long i stayed there in my coma. was time...

I decided to close my eyes, and ignore my senses as I waited for my end. I tried not to imagine how my fellows must have felt when they were sucked in by the dark vortex...At the last moment..I couldn't help my help my curiosity. I opened my eyes for a spare moment..and my last memory was that of the light around be being completely blocked out...i was inside it. It was warm. I do not know where i was..where i ended up being...

Soon..i just faded..

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