Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nail-cutters and inverted airplanes.

Arrite. So I had a dream last night (today morning rather) and I actually remember what it was about.

I visioned this interesting lotion which my dad was rubbing onto his fingers and nails. The effect of this lotion (or whatever) was that the long ends of his nails (the dead white ends that you would normally clip off) just dissolved away. In the dream, it was a natural alternate to clipping nails.

I am not sure if there IS such a product available in the market. If there isn't, I am "WOOOOHOOOO!". If there is, i want to try this product myself.

By the way, dad doesn't have long nails...no idea why he was the subject trying out the product.

in the same dream, by some weird continuation, I was wondering how some airplanes can fly inverted. I thought the wings were supposed to give them LIFT when flying normally...so when inverted the planes are supposed to be pushed down towards earth..innit? :S

Just to let you know, I have been having sleep trouble lately and i was on sedatives last night (didn't really get good sleep even so :( )

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