Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I had a dream last night. One of those dreams that feel real. I don't quite know if it was one of those which I want to be real..but i know..that i was happy for the while. I was happy while it lasted.

Maybe it was induced by my habit of playing a particular playlist of selected songs which I used to use for falling asleep a long time back.

"A Sranger" by A Perfect Circle will always be one of my favourites and some tracks from Nine Inch Nail's album Still will always calm me down.

Maybe I do want some things to be true. Or not. I don't know really.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lecter Lecture

I am not sure how good of a decision it was to watch The Silence of The Lambs at midnight. I have always meant to watch this movie..and now I have just completed it. It wasn't as horrific as I expected it to be. It wasn't too gory and didn't come out from the behind to spook the crap out of me. It was just the sort of horror I can enjoy.

Like the millions, I thoroughly enjoyed Hannibal's ability to just read people. Obviously, things aren't like that in reality usually.

Life changes. I change. Some things never change though. And those are our memories. How we look back at those memories, and how they make us feel in the present keep changing though. The present...sigh. the present.

Nostalgic as I am by nature, I tend to look back at the past very often. It's not a very nice thing really. Especially when some of the happiest memories of mine seem so far away in the past. My heart sinks when I realize that I might never set my foot along those paths I have taken in the past; I might never feel the same way about the same thing. I feel a very deep hollow. I try to ignore..and maybe most people just keep on ignoring for the most of their life. That's perhaps the price one has to pay for happiness I suppose. But what about this very realization of ignorance? Doesn't that only aggravate the situation? Make things worse to cope with? Make happiness come from nothing but ignorance?

Well I suppose that IS right. Bliss is found in nothing but ignorance. Responsibility and awareness about everything only makes the mind feel burdened. Not the way to be happy I am guessing.

I wonder what has happened..but I have stopped caring about a lot of things that I cared about before. Hmm..doesn't make too much sense I guess..but hey..lemme ramble and you can shut up for now.

MEH. Whatever. I hope I find myself somewhere in the future. Maybe one day I'll find the world the way it was when I lost it and be happy about it. if that is to happen..i pray that the world doesn't change too much..i pray the world has nothing new to add to my burdens..
Or I'll find a whole new place. a whole new time. and if i do, i pray that i forget, what i was.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So I downloaded some Keane music recently..and i liked quite a few of the tracks (musically..)

this one is from Your Eyes Open:

Well it's a lonely road that you have chosen
Morning comes and you don't want to know me anymore
And it's a long time since your heart was frozen
Morning comes and you don't want to know me anymore
For a moment your eyes open and you know
All the things I ever wanted you to know
I don't know you, and I don't want to
Till the moment your eyes open and you know

pretty cool stuff.